Your ONLY hometown country morning show is upbeat and will have you starting your day off right! He’s mister man-child and she’s just here to keep him keep focused. Latty and Courtney in the Mornin’ is all about fun in the Mid-South, Country music, and you! They’re both competitive, lighthearted and thank goodness they’re both morning people. Latty is all about craft beer, being a social-lite, and his Memphis Tigers. Courtney is a proud mom, Mississippi State Bulldog, and adds sparkle wherever she goes! They both love supporting St Jude Children’s Research Hospital throughout the year any chance they get! Some of their favorite features include Latty’s Letters, Can’t Beat Courtney, and KIX’s Question of the Day! Wake up with Latty and Courtney in the Mornin’ Monday through Friday 6am – 10am and join your ONLY hometown country morning show here in the Mid-South.