Category Archives: Uncategorized

BHQ 6/14 – 6/18

BHQ 6/14 – 6/18

M: 2/10 ppl surveyed think this national landmark is in Colorado? A: Grandy Canyon (it’s mostly in Arizona!) Congrats to Austin in Memphis! Tu: 2/10 ppl say this is the TV dad that most reminds them of their real-life dad? A: Homer Simpson! (DOH!) Congrats to Gere in Memphis! W: Just 6% of people say…MORE

Idiots of the Day 6/14 – 6/18

Idiots of the Day 6/14 – 6/18

Monday: Some things you just need to save for! Tuesday: So much effort for so little ice cream! Wednesday: Here’s one middleman you shouldn’t cut out… Thursday: Shoulda went to Sonic!  MORE

Luke Combs “Trilogy” on vinyl HCT 6/8

Luke Combs “Trilogy” on vinyl HCT 6/8

\Congrats to Luke Combs – his song “Forever After All” is spending its second week at the top of the country music airplay chart. Along with being the 11th number-1 in his career, Luke will remember this song for another special reason, “‘Forever After All’ is the first song that I wrote in my house in…MORE
